
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Marpenoth 13
The year of Lightning Storms, 1374

How does being trapped for millennia feel? As I ponder the length of time that Mira went through it staggers my imagination. I can understand complex magical equations and I can cast almost any spell I come across. Though when I try to ponder how being trapped for several thousand years would be like I cannot comprehend it. I keep seeing though in my head those spiders eating magical items. I can see her as a giant version of those spiders and the glow off of Dirk’s sword. I know she is evil and I am trying to show her as much kindness as I can. I try to give freely, as the best weapon against such suffering is kindness and friendship. I hope that she does not take out her years of anger against innocents. The possibility of her being a good person and helping fight against others that would seek to torment or imprison others I would like to think is great. Then there is the matter of her spellcasting. How much the weave has changed since she was transformed? What dangers will arise from her using the old methods and old spells? Should I worry that even the simplest of spells that she casts may cause permanent damage? The land is riddled with holes in the weave. Areas of dead magic ranging from a wagon sized area to others that could cover an entire city. One of the first things I should have done was contact someone in my order and asked him or her but I do not wish to bring attention to Mira. I think I will just have to keep in touch with her and find out if she feels anything different about the weave. What happens if she start using the more complex spells frequently. The Wish spell itself takes a great toll on the caster when it is used. The amount of energy it takes to force reality to change to your desires is a lot. She was able to do it with ease but how much strain does it place on the Weave when she does it? Though like a finely sewn rub the Weave can handle a lot but if you cut enough threads even the greatest seamstress could not keep the rug from unraveling. Yet again I made a rash decision and am now thinking about it more in depth. Though as strong as my thirst for more knowledge is my caution keeps it held in check this time. What great things could I learn and what great spells could I cast if I sat and just studied with her? Things that were great obstacles would become little bumps under my feet. I wonder if Karsis thought the same before he cast his spell and became a God?

I thought during breakfast to perhaps contact Lia and meet with her privately. Someplace far away with an anti scrying spell up to prevent anyone watching. I even went so far as to think up a place for the visit so that I could speak with her and discuss the accusations. Though I know the group would view it as a betrayal I feel I should give her a chance to say her side of it. Sadly though I worry that she is everything they say and if I did do such a thing I would end up dying or getting trapped in a gem. I could not think of a way to guarantee both my safety and her’s. The last thing I wish to do is bring her to a place where the group could catch her off guard. I did also realize that I do not like being anyone’s pawn. Not the city of Waterdeep nor one for the group. I hope the group will understand that. I follow them not because it is profitable. Nor does the fame that comes with it drive me. I follow because of the comradeship and because we do truly try to do good. Lets hope it continues for the sake of all those who have been wronged by the orb and those seeking to use its power for personal gain.

So dear brother I hope you are faring better than I in your travels.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Marpenoth 12
The year of Lightning Storms, 1374

How does one judge a friendship? How does ones faith effect them? I believe in my friendship with Lia. I believe in Azuth and his goals to spread magic with reason. Often I simply think of it as just spreading around the use of magic. I have in the past freely given Lia spells and tried to help her out. As a friend and a member of the group she has been the one that has treated me with some respect. I knew she worshiped Shar a long time ago. I brought it to the group but they did not seem as concerned but then again my observations were not concrete. Did she betray us? She did warn us about the basement. Could it be she did not know the creature below was a tormented soul? Could she have just been scared of the spiders like I was after I encountered them? Perhaps she just took the warning more to heart and was not wanting to take a risk in going downstairs. I can understand her taking Gwen and leaving if I was in the same situation I would have taken my friend away from the one that hurt her and tried to comfort. What is the price of friendship? When the group asked me what I would do I said I would not betray them. That I know I would not do. Would I be betraying Lia though by not saying anything? I think if they make plans I will simply leave and come back later. If it happens that they try to include me in thier plans to hurt her I will probably also leave. I have tried in the past so often to not kill people I wonder if I will be forced to kill either Lia or a group member if I would. Which side would I choose if forced to pick? Can one remain neutral always? What if Lia tried to use me to get to the group? So many questions. So many what if's that fill my head. I shall have to ponder it at a future time now I should focus on a school in Calimport. Teaching Transmutation and magic to future pupils. If I wish to purchase a building in Waterdeep or outside of Waterdeep. Though the group does not wish a maintence staff at our local in Waterdeep I still want one at a residence there. It is nice to go to a place and relax have it fixed up and ready for your arrival and food prepared. A place to go for quiet and relaxation. A home to rest a tired soul. I wonder if any in the group could understand that?

So the spiders were all killed. A old soul freed from torment and being trapped in a different form. Again I gave out a copy of the Wish spell to someone who I know is evil. Once given out in friendship this time it was given out more as an appology. In anger I unleashed spellfire at the creature for the loss of my glasses. Now I will have to replace those but what if I would have killed her. Though I know I didnt and probably didnt stand a chance but still what if. Lashing out at someone in anger is not a use for the spellfire. Nor is such lashing out a good thing to do. I should have kept my calm but those spiders frustrated me. None of my spells could effect them. Also when they bit me it was as if I was cut off from the weave. Such huge spiders posed a great threat and the fact there was one that was larger than a house standing there made me worry. I lost several magical items that day but I did not lose my life. I need to remember that items and scrolls can be replaced but people are not. Dirk sacrficed his maul of great power for answers and I doubt I would ever do that with my staff.

My brother I lashed out at you in anger like I did with the giant spider. I hope that she has forgiven me and I wish that you have forgiven me. Someday I will return to accept that which is due.

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